My Second Smoothie – Spicy Beetroot & Orange

OK, so 2 in one day is a bit over the top but I’ve still got some experimenting to do and wanted to try something very different to the breakfast smoothie this morning I’ve spent the afternoon prepping the fruit & veg from the shopping and took the opportunity to harvest some the remaining beetroot. …

Chocolate Beetroot Muffins

So if you’ve not guessed already, I’ve a garden full of beetroot which needs using.  The varieties I grow stand well in the ground all season without going woody, which means I don’t tend to make lots of sowings but it does mean that by the end of the year I’ve got some massive beetroot….

Sticky Ginger Beetroots Muffins

I’m about to do 3 things that I normally avoid – publish a recipe which isn’t mine and with very limited tailoring, publish a recipe which I think is still a bit flawed and indulge myself in a little editorial. I found 6 copies of this recipe online, identical or so very close, so it’s…

Chocolate & Beetroot Cupcakes with Swiss Meringue Buttercream

a.k.a. Mr Pink.  If you’re not following the saga, this is one of 6 experimental cupcake recipes with a very tenuous Reservoir Dogs theme. This is a really rich chocolate and beetroot cupcake, almost fudgey in texture.  I’ve topped this with a swiss meringue buttercream, which has been coloured with some of the beetroot juice…

Beetroot Gnocchi

An interesting twist on the traditional Italian potato dumpling.  Adding beetroot not only provides a great colour, but brings with it that wonderful earthy sweetness.  Serve with a simple sauce, or look to float in light vegetable soups or stews.  As an alternative, how about trying this with pumpkin or butternut squash instead of beetroot…

Beetroot Hash

An alternative to one of my winter favourites, corned beef hash, which makes a great showcase of all of the ingredients.  This works particularly well if the veg don’t turn into a mash, and if you use to top quality sausages Serves 3 Ingredients A little Olive Oil 1 Onion, chopped 2 cloves Garlic, chopped…

Beetroot & Balsamic Relish

The last of 3 Beetroot Relish recipes uses grated beetroot and a drier mixture.  This provides for a more versatile pickle for use in sandwiches and the like.  The Balsamic vinegar adds depth and a sweetness Fills about 3 * 1lb jars Ingredients  1kg Beetroot, cooked 1 large Red Onion 1tbsp Olive Oil 100g Golden…

Beetroot & Ginger Relish

The second of 3 Beetroot Relish recipes uses a much wetter mixture, providing more ‘zing’ from the vinegar, raw beetroot and a higher proportion of apple.  The ginger provides the interest here, and is much more subtle than the chilli version!  This makes for my personal favourite of all 3 recipes. Fills about 6 *…

Beetroot & Chilli Relish

The first of 3 Beetroot Relish recipes, in my quest to make this amazing vegetable last through the winter months and into next season!  My beetroot relish experiment uses different combinations and proportions of ingredients and different cooking methods to try and establish the best relish recipe! This recipe uses an orange beetroot, ‘Burpees Golden’,…

Beetroot and Chilli Onion Lasagne

  Looking for an alternative spicy vegetarian main course?  Perhaps just finished experimenting with my Beetroot tortellini recipe and found that you’ve still got 3/4 of the filling left and don’t know what to do with it?   Try this out as an interesting, spicy & colourful lasagne alternative… Serves 4   Ingredients Beetroot stuffing,…

3 Vegetarian Tortellini Stuffings

  As part of my vegetarian Christmas extravaganza, I cooked up 3 types of tortellini in a vegetable broth.  Each recipe here would provide plenty of filling for 300g portion of pasta, which is easily enough for 3-4 people.   You don’t need very much filling at all to make tortellini.  The good news is…

Beetroot, Chocolate & Ginger Cake

Well, if Fruit and Nut Beetroot Cake doesn’t tickle your fancy, I’m certain that this will!   With more of a fudgey consistency, and a colour which remains true to it’s beetroot roots (so to speak), this decadent cake would make a great desert. I like to know what’s in my dishes, so held back…

Fruit & Nut Beetroot Cake

And why not? “But it’s… it’s… it’s BEETROOT!  Aghhhhh!”  I hear you scream.  Yes, I know, you’re recalling those vinegar-ridden salads of the 70’s and haven’t been able to look at beetroot since.  But honestly, this is one of the most underrated vegetables.  With a rich, sweet flavour, it can be used for a whole…