Chocolate & Beetroot Cupcakes with Swiss Meringue Buttercream

a.k.a. Mr Pink.  If you’re not following the saga, this is one of 6 experimental cupcake recipes with a very tenuous Reservoir Dogs theme. This is a really rich chocolate and beetroot cupcake, almost fudgey in texture.  I’ve topped this with a swiss meringue buttercream, which has been coloured with some of the beetroot juice…

Courgette & Smoked Bacon Cupcakes with Maple Syrup

a.k.a., the Mr Blonde cupcake.  OK, for the pedants out there, it’s really a muffin (can’t tell the difference between a muffin & a cupcake?  Apparently if you throw one against the wall, a cupcake goes ‘poooof’, whereas a muffin goes ‘thuudddd’) This is a psycho cupcake if ever I saw one.  It looks like…

Carrot & Walnut Cupcakes

a.k.a. Mr Orange, if you’re following my Reservoir Dogs themed cupcake experiment.  Warning!  Reservoir Dogs Cupcakes are bad for your health! A cupcake spin on the traditional carrot & walnut cake, with a rich orange mascarpone frosting Makes 12 Ingredients 2 Large Eggs 125g Castor Sugar 125ml Vegetable Oil 1 tsp Vanilla Extract zest of…

Reservoir Dogs Cupcakes

OK, so maybe cupcakes aren’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Quentin Tarantino’s multi-award winning cult jewellery heist turned bloodbath movie, but when I was thinking about a cupcake experiment, I felt I needed a theme.  Over the coming weeks I’ll be attempting to capture the essence of the 6…

Vanilla Whippy ‘Ice Cream’ Cupcakes

The sun may be setting on those glory days of summer, but we can still reminisce on those happy times, basking in the heat of the English sunshine.  But then, when those memories start to fade, how do we recall the most amazing weather we’ve seen for many a year?  Ice Cream of course.  “Hang…

Slow Cooked Shin of Beef Chilli

I know how popular my Shin of Beef recipes have been on this blog they’ve always topped the visitor page hits, so I hope you find this one to be just as wonderful as I did. My original Chilli dish was one created from my student days – good food for the masses, but on…

Caramelised Red Onion & Chilli Pickle

And for exactly the same reasons I made the Sweet Tomato & Chilli Chutney, I’ve made this batch of Red Onion and Chilli pickle.  This is quite a bit hotter if you make it with 4 chillies, and is great to accompany sausages! The balsamic vinegar adds the to rich effects of the caramelisation, but…

Sweet Tomato & Chilli Chutney

It’s that time of year again – as the summer draws to an all too abrupt end, the garden is overflowing with more fresh produce than you can shake a stick at.  The efforts of a hard years graft realised, but it’s just too much to consume as fresh.  Freezer full, friends and neighbours provided…